Sunday, February 12, 2012

Igniting my Dharma Light

Did over 400 miles mountain biking in January.  400 was the goal so, cool.

Went to the Fatima Shrine in Holliston after work recently and formally gave it all up to God.  Lit some candles in the darkness of the night.  When I say gave it up to God...just looking for His guidance if it is His will to guide me.

Have had some good things going on.  I'm getting more focused and ridding myself of distractions (trying).  Was looking to volunteer my time somewhere and it hit me: I need something higher than that.  More than just giving a couple hours a week.  A higher purpose.  Something big that will allow me to be a better person and add something positive to the world.  Something that could lead to a new life path.  ZEN!

"Ignite your dharma light so that you may become a positive change agent for greater peace and acceptance in our world."  This is from some information I have read recently on Zen meditation.  There is a school near here in RI that teaches Zen meditation and can lead one on a path to becoming a Zen Master.  This school could very well become my second home if I feel like I belong there.

I'm going to the school Wednesday night for a one hour meditation and perhaps chat after.  Sunday there is a one day retreat that I am likely going to attend (will let you know).  Perhaps it's a cult and they will try to brainwash me :)

There is a school in Buffalo, NY that has a three year, six term, course that supposedly makes one a Zen Master.  It seems to me that real experience and a true calling would make for a better path.  But, that is me being stubborn and thinking I know better.  I have the curriculum for that 3 year deal and plan to cover it all myself with self study.

I am looking for serenity...

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