Friday, March 9, 2012

The Zen of Simon

Simon (my ragdoll) is very Zen.  He spends much of his time meditating as you can see here.  He definitely lives in the now.  Now he wants to nap…so he naps.  When he wants to he will: eat, drink water, clean, stare at me, walk around the house talking and so forth.  He focuses on the task at hand.  He follows the just do it philosophy. 
He’s not carrying around any baggage.  He doesn’t feel bad about the smell of the bombs he drops in the litter box.  He carries no ill will towards Carly (our other cat who’s half his size) even though she regularly jumps him and bites him.  He carries no remorse for the many times he has jumped on top of her, pinning her down. 
He’s not concerned about what will be after this nap.  He is napping therefore he is napping.  Nothing else.  Clear mind.  The future will be.  He is not concerned by it.  We humans have the ability to think ourselves into a nervous breakdown.  Simon epitomizes “no worries.”  We humans could learn a lot from cats.

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